The training attracted community groups from four wards in Kibra Sub-County: Sarang’ombe, Makina, Woodley, Laini Saba and Lindi wards were represented in the training and mentorship. They included: Muungano; Kibra ni Kwetu; Uweza Gatwekera; Langata youth Network; Kibra young women Network; Soweto Forum and Project Biashara.
The event was attended by 29 participants and facilitated by Mr. Peterson Sure and Ms Jacinta Wanjiku.
Activity Objectives
To mentor Community-Based Groups to enable them to plan, organize and hold forums in their respective wards;
To equip Community-Based Groups with Sauti Yetu Community engagement toolkit;
To strategically plan with community-based groups for the Sauti Yetu Political Debates in their areas of work.
The preliminary sessions involved Participants introducing themselves and the organizations they represent; mission, vision and thematic areas of focus. This was followed by Setting of Ground Rules and Explanation of how the training shall be shall be conducted. The next phase involve undertaking SWOT Analysis of the groups; each group undertaking self-assessment to identify their strength, weaknesses, Opportunities and threats in carrying out running public participation forums. The subsequent sessions focused on taking the groups through the Sauti Yetu toolkit for organizing, running and managing public participation processes. The groups were the equipped with the toolkit for further insights on how to utilize the Sauti Yetu model to promote public participation in decision making.
Through the toolkit training and mentorship; eight (8) groups from Kibra Sub-County were equipped with the Sauti Yetu toolkit to enable them use the model to influence decision making and promote public participation especially during this electioneering period;
Each group was equipped with the toolkit that will be utilized to organize and run public participation forums and political debates in their respective areas.