Building resilient communities

Sauti Yetu is a platform for grassroots dialogue between duty bearers: political aspirants, elected officials and members of the community.

About Us

The aim of Sauti Yetu is to encourage communities, political aspirants, elected leaders and their immediate representatives to engage in ongoing dialogue about community issues.

What We Do

Our work at Sauti Yetu prioritizes the need to strengthen and increase citizen engagement in political and decision-making processes, especially at the local level.


Enhance your knowledge in governance issues by taking one of our online courses today.

Sauti Yetu grassroots meeting.

About the Ni Sisi! Movement

Ni Sisi! Is an ideology born of hundreds of honest conversations with hundreds of Kenyans across the country. Despite markedly different challenges to life from one town to another, a few things stand out. All Kenyans have some powerful things in common.

Kenyans feel dis-empowered to engage their leaders in day to day civic matters. Kenyans do not trust the security apparatus. Kenyans feel left out of the economic fruits that the elite are always talking about. Ni Sisi! starts at the bottom, connecting individuals and a wide variety of grassroots organisations working for positive social change around a set of core values.

Our Partners

Hanns Seidel Foundation Kenya Logo
Ford Foundation Logo